Welcome To Center Stage Inc.
"Where Care Revolves Around You!"
Providing You with Health Care at Home.
Supported Living Services are designed to provide support to adults with Developmental Disabilities. Center Stage, Inc., is committed to improving the quality of life for individuals with developmental or physical disabilities, enabling them to reach their full potential by alleviating barriers to their independence. By working hand in hand with doctors, caregivers, and community liaisons, our company strives to assist our clients in building skills in all areas including, socialization, personal development, and community integration.
Our staff works diligently to encourage our clients to establish and maintain a safe and independent lifestyle while building a rapport within their community. Individuals we serve are provided access to an array of services and support necessary for them to make independent decisions and informed choices to achieve their desired outcomes. In the columns below, please see more information on the services our company provides and how WE can be a benefit to you and your loved one.
Center Stage, Inc. provides these services to the patient at home:
Advanced Personal Care
Personal Care Attendant
Behavioral Analyst
Community Integration
Escort to Medical Appointments
And many many other services.
In-Home Habilitation
Our Habilitation services provides temporary relief for families and caregivers allowing an opportunity to take a break from their caregiving responsibilities by leaving their loved on in the hands of a trusted Center Stage, Inc. staff member.
“It has been such an honor to work for Center Stage Inc. It provides an humbling challenge everyday and pushes me to give my all no matter what. ”
Jeannette Aron
"It is truly an amazing experience working for Center Stage Inc. "
Sheritta Niles